Their faces covered with masks, eight men robbed a branch of the State Bank of India in Ludhiana. Their moves were recorded on the bank's security cameras.
The robbers first attacked the guard on Monday evening, then beat up employees and tried to damage the security cameras. The bank is located on the outskirts of the city on the Ludhiana-Chandigarh Road.
The thieves were able to escape with 3 lakhs. There were six customers inside the bank at the time of the robbery. Nobody was injured.
The robbers first attacked the guard on Monday evening, then beat up employees and tried to damage the security cameras. The bank is located on the outskirts of the city on the Ludhiana-Chandigarh Road.
The thieves were able to escape with 3 lakhs. There were six customers inside the bank at the time of the robbery. Nobody was injured.