This Article is From Mar 30, 2010

Come April, Juhu beach will have one lifeguard

Mumbai: Plan to head to Juhu beach for a cool dip this summer? If so, better change your plans.

Come April, there will be only one lifeguard to man the 4.5-km stretch of the silver sands.

It's around this time that the beach sees a surge in crowds -- besides those who head to the beach to beat the soaring temperatures, the beach also sees a throng of students who have their summer vacation.

Presently, two permanent lifeguards man the beach in the evenings, when the crowds surge.

With one of the lifeguards, Arvind Kelvekar, on leave for a month in April, the lone ranger will be the other lifeguard, Manohar Shetty.

"Manning the entire stretch of the beach, especially over weekends, is next to impossible. There are up to 1,000 people in the water and they simply ignore all warnings," said Shetty. He added that at least two lifeguards are required to keep watch on the stretch between Tulip Star Hotel and Ruia beach. "The stretch is prone to drowning incidents due to quick sand. In case of an eventuality, it will take over 30 minutes to shuttle from one end to the other."

Since January, at least nine people have been rescued by Shetty and Kelvekar. "Only last Sunday, we rescued two swimmers from drowning, and that's because my partner, Kelvekar, was with me," Shetty said.

Kelvekar, a senior lifeguard who has spent 33 years saving lives on the city's beaches, is due to retire next year. "In the late '70s, although Juhu Beach used to be nearly desolate, there were up to 18 lifeguards and five watchtowers. Today, there are swarms of tourists, but hardly any lifeguards," observed Kelvekar.

In such a scenario, who is to be held responsible for drownings on the beach?

"Ultimately, lifeguards are held answerable," said Kelvekar.

Presently, two permanent lifeguards man Juhu beach.
