In a bizarre case, the Delhi police allegedly showed good hospitality to three robbers who were caught red-handed by a mob, while the people who caught them were left starving and even harassed. The victims have accused the cops of forcing them to starve inside the Mahindra Park police station for over 20 hours in despicable conditions.
"We were taken to the police station along with the robbers at around 5 pm on July 24 and allowed to return home only by 1 pm the following day. All this while, we were not given food or water whereas the robbers were provided with dinner and breakfast," the victims alleged.
A group of around 15 armed robbers struck at the office of a businessman, Saurabh Yadav, who owns a tour and travel agency in Mahindra Park area.
The robbers held Saurabh and his staff captive at gunpoint and even beat them up with the butt of their pistols and a baseball bat. After looting cash and valuables, the robbers locked the victims inside the office and fled from the scene. Hearing the commotion, one of the neighbours opened the office door. Saurabh, along with his friends, immediately chased the robbers and successfully caught three of them.
After the robbers were caught, officers from Adarsh Nagar and Mahindra Park police stations reached the spot. What happened next was quite out of the ordinary; an argument between the officers went on for more than an hour in public as both parties claimed jurisdiction related to the crime. Later, the Mahindra Park police team took the robbers with them.
According to the police, Amit, Ravi and Gulshan were arrested. Pistols and valuables were recovered from their possession.
Sanjay, a victim who suffered stitches in his head, alleged that instead of interrogating the robbers, police kept harassing them.
"Police were trying to make it a simple case of brawl. They (police) made up a story that the trio had come to play gamble at our shop and after an altercation, fled from there. We were shocked at this. They had to register an FIR only because the accused were handed over to them in public view," Sanjay added.
DCP of northwest district, NS Bundela, said he would look into the matter.
"We were taken to the police station along with the robbers at around 5 pm on July 24 and allowed to return home only by 1 pm the following day. All this while, we were not given food or water whereas the robbers were provided with dinner and breakfast," the victims alleged.
A group of around 15 armed robbers struck at the office of a businessman, Saurabh Yadav, who owns a tour and travel agency in Mahindra Park area.
The robbers held Saurabh and his staff captive at gunpoint and even beat them up with the butt of their pistols and a baseball bat. After looting cash and valuables, the robbers locked the victims inside the office and fled from the scene. Hearing the commotion, one of the neighbours opened the office door. Saurabh, along with his friends, immediately chased the robbers and successfully caught three of them.
After the robbers were caught, officers from Adarsh Nagar and Mahindra Park police stations reached the spot. What happened next was quite out of the ordinary; an argument between the officers went on for more than an hour in public as both parties claimed jurisdiction related to the crime. Later, the Mahindra Park police team took the robbers with them.
According to the police, Amit, Ravi and Gulshan were arrested. Pistols and valuables were recovered from their possession.
Sanjay, a victim who suffered stitches in his head, alleged that instead of interrogating the robbers, police kept harassing them.
"Police were trying to make it a simple case of brawl. They (police) made up a story that the trio had come to play gamble at our shop and after an altercation, fled from there. We were shocked at this. They had to register an FIR only because the accused were handed over to them in public view," Sanjay added.
DCP of northwest district, NS Bundela, said he would look into the matter.