This Article is From Sep 28, 2010

Delhi: Deadly snake kills man, buffalo in the Yamuna river bed

New Delhi: Two days after a pair of Cobras were recovered from the Commonwealth Games village and RK Khanna Stadium, another serpent surfaced in the Yamuna river bed on Tuesday, not far from the Games Village.

The snake, reportedly a cobra, killed a man and a buffalo in the Shakarpur area, about five kilometres away from the Commonwealth Games village. The highly-poisonous reptile bit and killed 28-year-old Vimlesh Mahto in the jhuggis along the Yamuna Bank. The hutments were raised by the people who moved there after the Yamuna rose during the recent floods.

"It was around 2 am on Tuesday morning when Mehto, a farmer, started screaming that a snake has bit him. He was in his jhuggi and when we reached there we found him lying on the ground. We rushed him to the LNJP hospital where doctors declared him dead on arrival," said Ravi, Mehto's neighbour.

Mehto's two daughters, Manisha and Lakshmi and one five-year-old son Raja were also present in the shanty when the snake bit him.

Mehto's wife, Renu is ill and is undergoing treatment in a government hospital. The slithering creature also bit and killed a buffalo at a nearby shanty.

The bovine's owner Sonpal told MiD DAY that the animal was not eating anything since Monday morning and it died early Tuesday morning. "She was also bitten by the snake. The MCD officials have taken her body," he said.

The police said that they received a call about snake bite on Monday. "He had already been taken to the hospital when we reached the spot. We don't know what happened after that," said a police officer.