Two days after the video of a 13-year-old egg seller's cart being overturned allegedly by civic officials went viral on social media, the Indore-based boy has found overwhelming support from people across the country. People from all walks of life, including politicians, have come forward to lend a helping hand to Paras Raykar's family.
The family now owns a house under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana; other offers include free education to the boy and his siblings. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal have also reached out to them and offered support, the family has claimed.
Paras Raykar's cart carrying eggs was allegedly overturned Thursday by the civic officials in Indore, where the administration has implemented the "left-right" rule for the staggered opening of shops amid the coronavirus pandemic. A video in which the boy alleged that the officials had warned him in the morning to remove his cart or pay Rs 100 as bribe had gone viral on social media. When he refused, the officials tipped his cart over, destroying all the eggs, the boy alleged.
The boy had also claimed that his daily sale has been down due to the pandemic and the loss of his stock will put additional financial burden on him, in the video.
Since Thursday, the boy's family has been overwhelmed with support from people across the country, many of them offering help in both cash and kind.
While BJP MLA from Indore, Ramesh Mendola, had allotted a house to the family under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, former Madhya Pradesh chief minister Digvijaya Singh has offered to take care of the educational expenses of Paras and his siblings. Indore Press Club has also provided ration and money to the boy.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's office and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has also offered help.
"We are overwhelmed by the support from people across the country. (BJP MLA) Ramesh Mendola has given us a flat under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. He has also provided a cycle and Rs 2,500. Digvijaya Singh has provided Rs 10,000 and assurance to look after the education of the two children. Rahul Gandhi's office has also called and offered support. A woman from Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal called and offered help. Jyothiraditya Scindia has also offered support," Paras's grandfather said.