In a tragic turn of events, a young couple from Uttar Pradesh who had come here to celebrate the New Year, was found dead in a hotel room in Gulmarg on Friday, police said.
Prashant Swamy (29) and his wife, Joyti (23), residents of Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh were found dead in a room in Hotel Green Park at Gulmarg, 60 kms from here in Baramulla district this morning, police said.
The cause of death appears to be a leakage in the gas heater that was being used to ward off severe cold in the entire Valley, they said. The police have registered a case and have started investigations.
Prashant and his wife were among hundreds who had thronged Gulmarg for New Year celebrations on Thursday.
Prashant Swamy (29) and his wife, Joyti (23), residents of Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh were found dead in a room in Hotel Green Park at Gulmarg, 60 kms from here in Baramulla district this morning, police said.
The cause of death appears to be a leakage in the gas heater that was being used to ward off severe cold in the entire Valley, they said. The police have registered a case and have started investigations.
Prashant and his wife were among hundreds who had thronged Gulmarg for New Year celebrations on Thursday.