A woman and her husband from Rajasthan were arrested on Thursday for "selling" their eight-day-old child to their neighbour for Rs. 40,000. They claim they needed the money for their two-year-old paralytic son's treatment.
If you would like to help the couple, you can make donations through the Tapovan Trust.
Account number: 00702010003120
Oriental Bank of Commerce
G Block Branch, Sriganganagar
All cheques to be addressed to Tapovan Trust
Mr Mahesh Periwal
Jawahar Nagar, Sri Ganganagar - 335001
Rajasthan, India
Phone Number: 9414093369
This information has been provided / published on a good faith basis, without any commercial motive. NDTV does not vouch for the authenticity of the claims made by the intending done, nor can we guarantee that the donations made by a donor will be used for the purpose as stated by the intending donee. You are requested to independently verify the contact information and other details before making a donation. NDTV and/or its employees will not be responsible for the same.
If you would like to help the couple, you can make donations through the Tapovan Trust.
Account number: 00702010003120
Oriental Bank of Commerce
G Block Branch, Sriganganagar
All cheques to be addressed to Tapovan Trust
Mr Mahesh Periwal
Jawahar Nagar, Sri Ganganagar - 335001
Rajasthan, India
Phone Number: 9414093369
This information has been provided / published on a good faith basis, without any commercial motive. NDTV does not vouch for the authenticity of the claims made by the intending done, nor can we guarantee that the donations made by a donor will be used for the purpose as stated by the intending donee. You are requested to independently verify the contact information and other details before making a donation. NDTV and/or its employees will not be responsible for the same.
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