This Article is From Mar 22, 2017

IIT-Kharagpur To Get Supercomputing Facility


The supercomputing facility at IIT-Kharagpur will help users in High Performance Computing.

Kolkata : The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, is the first academic institution to get a supercomputing facility under the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM). This will provide large computational support to users to carry out both research and teaching activities that involve state-of-the-art High Performance Computing (HPC) and usher in a new age in research and innovation in the country, an IIT-Kharagpur spokesperson said.
The institute's director Prof PP Chakrabarti said, "The Peta-Flop
new system...will provide about 1.5 Peta-Flop capacity support to several areas where the researchers of IIT-KGP (Kharagpur) are actively involved."

The premier institute is setting up a new Centre for Computational and Data Sciences (CCDS) around such a supercomputing platform to build, manage and operate the HPC facility, he said.

Referring to the research areas where the facility will be of use, Prof Chakrabarti said, "Faculty members and their research groups at IIT-KGP are already engaged in research in several areas of national importance requiring large computational (both hardware and software) support.

"The facility will cover cutting-edge research scope in different inter-disciplinary areas like bio molecular simulations, drug design and bio-informatics, climate change and digital earth, geo-scientific exploration, infrastructure design and sustainable cities," he said.

"Other than research, CCDS will also focus on education and capacity building," said Prof Chakrabarti adding, IIT Kharagpur had been chosen as a nodal centre for HPC-related educational activities by NSM.

The objective of the National Supercomputing Mission is to achieve a self-reliant supercomputing platform in the country and to develop and expand the scope of using HPC systems to solve complex problems of national importance in different fields of science and technology, he said.

The initiative is supported by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the mission envisages building supercomputing capacity and capability in the country with an estimated budget of Rs 4,500 crore over a period of seven years, he said. 