This Article is From Oct 30, 2010

International students celebrate festival of lights with true fervour in Bangalore

Bangalore: Students from 34 nationalities performed a multi-faceted program at the Canadian International School. The enthusiasm these international students showed towards understanding Indian culture and celebrating Deepavali was infectious.

Dressed in traditional attire, the students, teachers, and parents celebrated this traditional festival in the form of dance and drama.

"I enjoy taking part in such cultural events since I get a better understanding about India. Each year, the celebrations are different and there is so much to learn," said Chirag Nair, a class 6 student of the school.

Pradeen Pradhan, 12, said taking part in such events has helped him, and his family, understand the festival and his country better.

Georg Graf, father of two students studying at the school, said he has learnt several things about Indian culture through this event.

"It gives students and parents an opportunity to experience the culture and know more about it. It is through my children that I have got to know much more about India," said Graf who is from Germany.

Living in India, it is important to know about the culture and way of life, said Jacquiline Lima Leita, a parent.

"Though we are Indian by origin, having grown up in Canada, we never celebrated these festivals. Now my son gets an opportunity to know about the country through celebrations like these, which intensifies an international perspective of the world," said Ravi Benjamin, a parent.

The teachers and students had prepared for the event for about six weeks. "It is a way of educating students in a fun and entertaining manner. These events promote a sense of togetherness," said Malina Patel, the drama teacher at Canadian International School.

"We hope this festival of lights brightens every student's life and they shine bright wherever they go. We want to emphasise on universal brotherhood and unity in diversity, with religion not being a differential," said Shweta Sastri, Executive Director, Canadian International School.

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