Gold and silver ornaments worth about Rs one crore were stolen from the hotel room of a Jaipur-based jeweller, who is in Bangalore to take part in a gems and jewellery exhibition, police said on Tuesday.
Over 7.5 kgs of gold and 704 grams of silver ornaments were stolen from the hotel room of Vijay Saini on Monday night, they said.
Saini, who arrived on Monday, had checked into a hotel and went out for some time in the evening leaving his baggage in the room. When he came back, he found that the room had been broke open and the valuables inside the baggage missing.
"We are questioning the entire hotel staff and hope to find the culprits soon," Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Division) G Ramesh said.
Over 7.5 kgs of gold and 704 grams of silver ornaments were stolen from the hotel room of Vijay Saini on Monday night, they said.
Saini, who arrived on Monday, had checked into a hotel and went out for some time in the evening leaving his baggage in the room. When he came back, he found that the room had been broke open and the valuables inside the baggage missing.
"We are questioning the entire hotel staff and hope to find the culprits soon," Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Division) G Ramesh said.