This Article is From Jul 31, 2010

La Martiniere school questions NCPCR investigation

La Martiniere school questions NCPCR investigation
Kolkata: Kolkata's premier La Martiniere Boys School, under the scanner for the suicide by one of its students in February, allegedly after corporal punishment, has questioned the authenticity of the enquiry team sent by the National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) to probe the incident.

After a board meeting today, the school said it will not act on the NCPCR  recommendations until further clarifications.

The board also claims that, under the National Protection of Child Rights Act, the commission's orders are not binding upon the school.

The commission had asked for an action taken report which the school will not comply with just yet.

The school will write to the commission about its queries and also inform the state government about its stand. The state government had also asked La Martiniere about the action it plans to take on the basis of the NCPCR recommendations.

The NCPCR had sent a team to La Martiniere in June to look into allegations of corporal punishment by the school principal against Class 8 student Rouvan Rawla who hanged himself to death on 12 February, four days after the principal caned him.