A 22-year-old model from Delhi was briefly detained in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior after she blocked an army vehicle in the middle of a busy street and started vandalising it.
Video of the incident shows the woman, who appears to be in an inebriated state, leaning onto the army vehicle in the middle of the street before kicking on the vehicle's bumper. A bottle of liquor is seen falling from her purse as she keeps hitting the vehicle.
Soon after, the driver of the vehicle is seen intervening, requesting the woman to move away from the road but she instead pushes him away and starts arguing with him. Later, the soldier is seen driving away as the woman moves away from its path.
She was later taken away to the local police station by a woman constable.
Based on the medical report, she was charged under relevant sections of the Excise Act. Later, she was released on bail.
"No complaint has been lodged against her by the army personnel so far," a police official, who requested not to be identified, said.
The woman, a model based in Delhi, was visiting Gwalior with two of her friends, he said.