Maharashtra Minister Bachchu Kadu allegedly slapped a contractor who supplies food to Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) in Akola over the poor quality of meals being served to patients at the government-run facility.
The alleged incident took place on Monday evening when Mr Kadu, who is also the Akola District's Guardian Minister, paid a surprise visit to the hospital.
A video purportedly showing Mr Kadu slapping the food contractor has surfaced.
During the hospital visit, Bachchu Kadu inspected the meal being provided to patients, including those suffering from COVID-19, and got angry when he found that the food items were allegedly of poor quality.
He called the food contractor to seek an explanation on the meal quality and other issues, and allegedly slapped him on not getting satisfactory answers.
There have been reports in the local media about poor quality meals being served to patients at the hospital.
Later, talking to the media, Mr Kadu said he has asked the district sub-divisional officer to conduct an inquiry into the alleged poor quality meal and non-maintenance of record related to grain stocks and food supplies to the hospital.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)