A 26-year-old man allegedly hanged himself in Maharashtra's Palghar district which prompted his mother to end her own life soon after, police said on Saturday. The tragic incidents took place at Kandre Bhure village on Thursday afternoon, said an official of Kelwa police station.
Shailesh Patil was found hanging from a tree near his house. The reason for the alleged suicide was not known yet, the official said.
On seeing the son's body, his mother Kalpana Patil (40) jumped into a nearby well and ended her life, he said.
The family conducted the last rites of the two without informing the police who learnt about the deaths from local sources, the official said.
Police are now conducting further probe, he added.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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