The Bangalore police have arrested a gang of six, minutes before they were about to kill a family. The arrested have been identified as Rajendra Kumar (32), Lingamurthy (27), Ravi (38), Vasanthi (28), A V Saravana Kumar (41) and Ramesh (29). The men were to be paid Rs 50,000 for the job.
According to the police, Rajendra Kumar had an old dispute with his relative Shankarchari, a resident of J P Nagar in Bangalore. He hatched a plan to kill Shankarchari's family, which included his wife Jayalakshmi and his 20-year-old daughter Bhavana.
Inspector S K Umesh said, "To get them killed, Rajendra sought his colleague Lingamurthy's help, who hired four people from Palamaner in Andhra Pradesh."
The inspector added, "Rajendra instructed the gang to go to Shankarchari's house when he was not at home. He told them that if his wife opened the door, they were to throw chilly powder into her eyes, kill her, and loot all valuables and cash from the house."
As instructed, the gang reached Shankarchari's house on April 4. While Rajendra stood guard outside the compound, the remaining members of the gang went inside and knocked at the door.
However, instead of opening the door, Jayalakshmi saw them through the window and asked them what they wanted. They replied that Shankarchari has asked them to come home as he'd help them obtain a loan.
However, Jayalakshmi got suspicious and immediately called Swamy, her neighbour. Seeing Swamy, the men started walking outside. That's when Swamy got suspicious and called the cops.
Inspector Umesh said, "Rajendra had offered Rs 50,000 to the gang for the assignment. He wanted to get the family killed and make money from valuables looted from the house."
According to the police, Rajendra Kumar had an old dispute with his relative Shankarchari, a resident of J P Nagar in Bangalore. He hatched a plan to kill Shankarchari's family, which included his wife Jayalakshmi and his 20-year-old daughter Bhavana.
Inspector S K Umesh said, "To get them killed, Rajendra sought his colleague Lingamurthy's help, who hired four people from Palamaner in Andhra Pradesh."
The inspector added, "Rajendra instructed the gang to go to Shankarchari's house when he was not at home. He told them that if his wife opened the door, they were to throw chilly powder into her eyes, kill her, and loot all valuables and cash from the house."
As instructed, the gang reached Shankarchari's house on April 4. While Rajendra stood guard outside the compound, the remaining members of the gang went inside and knocked at the door.
However, instead of opening the door, Jayalakshmi saw them through the window and asked them what they wanted. They replied that Shankarchari has asked them to come home as he'd help them obtain a loan.
However, Jayalakshmi got suspicious and immediately called Swamy, her neighbour. Seeing Swamy, the men started walking outside. That's when Swamy got suspicious and called the cops.
Inspector Umesh said, "Rajendra had offered Rs 50,000 to the gang for the assignment. He wanted to get the family killed and make money from valuables looted from the house."