Commuters in Mumbai, already besieged with problems because of the ensuing motormen strike on Tuesday morning, have a new issue to grapple with. As many as 1,000 odd cabs belonging to private taxi service Meru, have decided to not ply today.
The Meru taxi drivers said that they were protesting due to the unfair suspension of drivers by the management on account of poor behaviour.
One Meru driver Indrajeit Kumar said, "Our drivers are ill treated and our payments are not up to mark. We will be on strike indefinitely until action is taken."
The Meru taxi drivers said that they were protesting due to the unfair suspension of drivers by the management on account of poor behaviour.
One Meru driver Indrajeit Kumar said, "Our drivers are ill treated and our payments are not up to mark. We will be on strike indefinitely until action is taken."