Vashi police have arrested a robber who is part of an inter-state gang operating from New Delhi, which has committed several robberies in the city and Mumbai. The accused has been identified as Ashok Hansaraj Sonkar, 22, a resident of Lalganj in Azamgarh district. The robbers would fly down from New Delhi and fly back after committing robberies in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.
According to police, Ashok was first detained by Vashi GRP officials when he was found loitering under suspicious condition at Vashi Railway Station on Monday afternoon. His evasive answers during questioning, alerted the police officials who in turn inquired with city police whether they had any information about Ashok. Further questioning revealed that he was part of the inter-state gang of robbers and had been connected with several robberies in the city as well as Mumbai.
The officials from Vashi police station, after confirming his involvement in several robberies in their jurisdiction, arrested Ashok on Monday evening. Sources said that Ashok is a history sheeter and wanted in several robberies by the Rabale, APMC, Nerul, CBD, Kharghar, Kalamboli, Andheri MIDC, Goregaon and Chembur police. The Vashi police have already arrested three of the gangsters and have launched a manhunt for one more, apart from Ashok.
Sources said that the other gangsters - Sunil alias Balraj Munnalal Mathur, 28, a resident of New Delhi, arrested on October 28; Gurcharan Singh alias Gabbar Karnail Singh Chahal, 33; and Kamal Singh, Shamlal Singh, 29, a resident of Koprigaon - are already in custody of Vashi police.
Police sources said that the gang would fly down to Mumbai from New Delhi and ask for lift from people travelling to Navi Mumbai. They would easily gain trust of people by their sophisticated attire and hop in some luxury car. "On the way to Navi Mumbai, they would stop at some place to have cold drink and spike the drink of the driver.
Once under the influence of the drug, the robbers would offer to drive the car and ask the victim to get on the back seat," said a senior police official. Once the victim got unconscious, the robbers would take off cash and valuables from him and leave him at some secluded place, the official added.
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According to police, Ashok was first detained by Vashi GRP officials when he was found loitering under suspicious condition at Vashi Railway Station on Monday afternoon. His evasive answers during questioning, alerted the police officials who in turn inquired with city police whether they had any information about Ashok. Further questioning revealed that he was part of the inter-state gang of robbers and had been connected with several robberies in the city as well as Mumbai.
The officials from Vashi police station, after confirming his involvement in several robberies in their jurisdiction, arrested Ashok on Monday evening. Sources said that Ashok is a history sheeter and wanted in several robberies by the Rabale, APMC, Nerul, CBD, Kharghar, Kalamboli, Andheri MIDC, Goregaon and Chembur police. The Vashi police have already arrested three of the gangsters and have launched a manhunt for one more, apart from Ashok.
Sources said that the other gangsters - Sunil alias Balraj Munnalal Mathur, 28, a resident of New Delhi, arrested on October 28; Gurcharan Singh alias Gabbar Karnail Singh Chahal, 33; and Kamal Singh, Shamlal Singh, 29, a resident of Koprigaon - are already in custody of Vashi police.
Police sources said that the gang would fly down to Mumbai from New Delhi and ask for lift from people travelling to Navi Mumbai. They would easily gain trust of people by their sophisticated attire and hop in some luxury car. "On the way to Navi Mumbai, they would stop at some place to have cold drink and spike the drink of the driver.
Once under the influence of the drug, the robbers would offer to drive the car and ask the victim to get on the back seat," said a senior police official. Once the victim got unconscious, the robbers would take off cash and valuables from him and leave him at some secluded place, the official added.
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