This Article is From Sep 24, 2010

Mumbai: Law colleges face acute shortage of teachers

Mumbai: Law colleges are facing acute shortage of good teachers affecting the standard of instructions adversely, according to Maharashtra Governor K Sankaranarayanan.
He asked law colleges to address the issue of shortage of teachers urgently to make the colleges centres of academic excellence.
Mentioning that the teaching profession needs to be made attractive, if required by offering attractive salaries, he advised colleges to associate eminent practicing lawyers, legal professionals and retired judges as honorary faculties to give the students widest exposure in their subjects.
He was addressing law students at the inauguration of the third National Moot Court Competition organised by the Rizvi Law College in Mumbai on Thursday.
Twenty four teams from various law colleges across the country are participating in the competition.
Expressing the need to reform legal education, Sankaranarayanan called for making the law syllabus multi-disciplinary, creative and flexible.
He complimented the Rizvi Law College for organising the moot court competition thereby giving the students practical experience of real court functioning.