This Article is From Nov 03, 2010

Mumbai: Woman goes missing from train loo at Bandra

Dayanand Kamath, DNA: A 23-year-old woman who boarded the Surat bound Intercity Express at Bandra Terminus along with her husband to return to Surat went missing from the toilet of the train at Bandra Terminus on October 31.

Bhavarlal Jain, 28, and his wife Rupal, 23, boarded the train at around 6.50am. After occupying the seats and tucking their baggage under them, Rupal told her husband she was going to the toilet. When she did not return after five minutes, a worried Jain checked the toilet, but could not find his wife. He then checked the washrooms in the adjoining compartments and also inquired with co-passengers about his wife.

When he still could not find her, he alighted from the train before it took off, at 7am. He searched all the platforms of Bandra Terminus, and then contacted his younger brother Manish in Surat to inform his about the incident, and told him to check the train at Surat to confirm if she was on it.

When his younger brother informed him that Rupal had not reached Surat in the train, he decided to lodge a missing complaint at the Bandra railway police station the same afternoon. Rupal was carrying only Rs15-20 in her wallet.

Jain, a mobile shop owner who also runs an LIC agency at Surat, got married to Rupal, a resident of Ahmedabad, in February. On October 3, the couple visited Jain's younger sister Urmila Tated's house in Ghatkopar for Navaratri.

After a couple of days, Jain returned to Surat, while Rupal stayed back. On October 30, he visited his sister's house to take Rupal back.

The police are yet to trace Rupal. "After the missing complaint was lodged, we have sent her details - a photo and other descriptions - to all the railway police stations in Mumbai, " said senior police inspector Ashok Survegandhof Bandra railway police station.

Survegandh added that a police team of ten constables, carrying a photograph of the missing woman, have checked all the slum colonies that have mushroomed along the railway tracks between Bandra and Khar railway police stations, but in vain.

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