After Gautam Vora, model Viveka Babajee's alleged boyfriend, was questioned by the police in connection with her suicide, it was Kartik Jobanputra's turn on Thursday night. The police questioned him for two hours, and the result was a 5-page long statement. (Read:Viveka Babajee's death: Suicide or homicide?)
Jobanputra was Viveka's ex-boyfriend and business partner.
Viveka had committed suicide on June 25 at her Bandra residence. She had mentioned Vora's name in her suicide note. Vora in his statement has alleged that Viveka was disturbed due to her business problems and her friends.(Read:Why did model Viveka Babajee end her life?) | (Read:Police quiz Viveka's boyfriend Gautam Vora again)
In his statement to the police, Kartik accepted that Viveka had told him about a relationship. However, she never disclosed her new boyfriend's identity.
MiD DAY has exclusive access to the statement. Here is an excerpt:
Q: For how long did you know Viveka?
Kartik: From the last two years. We had been friends before, and then started an event management company -- Apex Entertainment together.
Q: What was the nature of your relationship with her?
Kartik: We dated each other for a year. Later, due to personal reasons, we separated, and I started my own business.
Q: How do you know Gautam Vora?
Kartik: I don't know him. After we broke up, Viveka mentioned once that she was in a relationship with someone else. She never disclosed his identity.
Q: Did she take sleeping pills, or did you ever see her depressed?
Kartik: She never took any sleeping pills, at least to my knowledge. She was a lovely and vivacious girl. She used to smoke a lot, but I never saw her depressed.
Q: How did you two meet?
Kartik: We met at a restaurant in Bandra two years ago. A common friend had introduced us.
Q: Why do you think she committed suicide?
Kartik: I have no idea. We had not been in touch since April; just spoke once or twice on phone.
Jobanputra was Viveka's ex-boyfriend and business partner.
Viveka had committed suicide on June 25 at her Bandra residence. She had mentioned Vora's name in her suicide note. Vora in his statement has alleged that Viveka was disturbed due to her business problems and her friends.(Read:Why did model Viveka Babajee end her life?) | (Read:Police quiz Viveka's boyfriend Gautam Vora again)
In his statement to the police, Kartik accepted that Viveka had told him about a relationship. However, she never disclosed her new boyfriend's identity.
MiD DAY has exclusive access to the statement. Here is an excerpt:
Q: For how long did you know Viveka?
Kartik: From the last two years. We had been friends before, and then started an event management company -- Apex Entertainment together.
Q: What was the nature of your relationship with her?
Kartik: We dated each other for a year. Later, due to personal reasons, we separated, and I started my own business.
Q: How do you know Gautam Vora?
Kartik: I don't know him. After we broke up, Viveka mentioned once that she was in a relationship with someone else. She never disclosed his identity.
Q: Did she take sleeping pills, or did you ever see her depressed?
Kartik: She never took any sleeping pills, at least to my knowledge. She was a lovely and vivacious girl. She used to smoke a lot, but I never saw her depressed.
Q: How did you two meet?
Kartik: We met at a restaurant in Bandra two years ago. A common friend had introduced us.
Q: Why do you think she committed suicide?
Kartik: I have no idea. We had not been in touch since April; just spoke once or twice on phone.
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