The police have launched a manhunt for 20-year-old Gurinder Chehal, an NRI, who went missing in Mumbai on Wednesday. Gurinder flew down to the city from the US to attend a wedding, and then disappeared without a trace.
What is intriguing the investigators is the fact that all her online information -- Facebook profile, Gmail account -- was deleted a day before the incident.
Gurinder had come to India with her parents on December 29 from Washington DC, to attend a wedding.
Though her parents returned to the US on January 3, she stayed on at her uncle's place in Vandana apartments in Jankalyan Nagar in Malad (W).
"She used to visit the nearby Gurudwara every day. Other than that, she never left the house by herself. When she didn't return on April 26, we got worried and decided to inform the police," said her uncle Gashdeer Singh Bhullar.
"Gurinder did not come back home after a visit to the gurudwara in Malwani on April 26. The family has registered a missing person's complaint. We are still not sure if it is a case of kidnapping or a love angle. Being an NRI, she might have even lost her way, since she was not carrying a mobile phone," said inspector Joydeep Surve, Malwani police station.
Since her disappearance, Bhullar has been getting blank calls from some private numbers. "On April 27, I got four calls from an unknown number, but no one spoke. Similarly on April 28, I got two blank calls," said Bhullar.
"The girl has been brought up in the US and doesn't know anyone here. We are very worried because we have no clue what has happened to her. Her parents are planning to return to India," Bhullar added.
However, the police are not convinced with Bhullar's version. "We feel they know more about the girl's disappearance, but are not cooperating enough with us," said a source from the Malwani police station.
Gurinder has been studying and working in the US. Her father Bhupinder Singh is a businessman.
What is intriguing the investigators is the fact that all her online information -- Facebook profile, Gmail account -- was deleted a day before the incident.
Gurinder had come to India with her parents on December 29 from Washington DC, to attend a wedding.
Though her parents returned to the US on January 3, she stayed on at her uncle's place in Vandana apartments in Jankalyan Nagar in Malad (W).
"She used to visit the nearby Gurudwara every day. Other than that, she never left the house by herself. When she didn't return on April 26, we got worried and decided to inform the police," said her uncle Gashdeer Singh Bhullar.
"Gurinder did not come back home after a visit to the gurudwara in Malwani on April 26. The family has registered a missing person's complaint. We are still not sure if it is a case of kidnapping or a love angle. Being an NRI, she might have even lost her way, since she was not carrying a mobile phone," said inspector Joydeep Surve, Malwani police station.
Since her disappearance, Bhullar has been getting blank calls from some private numbers. "On April 27, I got four calls from an unknown number, but no one spoke. Similarly on April 28, I got two blank calls," said Bhullar.
"The girl has been brought up in the US and doesn't know anyone here. We are very worried because we have no clue what has happened to her. Her parents are planning to return to India," Bhullar added.
However, the police are not convinced with Bhullar's version. "We feel they know more about the girl's disappearance, but are not cooperating enough with us," said a source from the Malwani police station.
Gurinder has been studying and working in the US. Her father Bhupinder Singh is a businessman.