In Bihar's Jamui district, around 150 km from Patna, a Pakistani girl has been featured as the "brand ambassador" on the cover page of a booklet meant to promote 'Swachh Jamui Swasth Jamui' initiative. The girl in the photo can be seen smiling while drawing a Pakistani flag in the picture. The embarrassing goof-up has triggered a controversy.
The incident came to light on Friday and further investigation revealed that the girl was being promoted as the face of UNICEF in Pakistan for education.
The booklet and notebooks that bear the girl's photo were distributed in schools, aanganwadi centres, children of Kasturba school among others.
They were printed by Suprabh Enterprises printing press in Patna who said that a prior approval from the district administration was taken before putting the photograph on the notebook covers.
The error seems to have slipped by and an investigation has been ordered to ascertain how the photograph got printed on about 5,000 booklets that were distributed to schoolchildren last year.
(With Inputs From ANI)
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