A 21-year-old woman doctor died after being run over by a vehicle when she fell off a two-wheeler as it slipped on a pothole in Maharashtra's Thane district, police said on Thursday. The incident took place late Wednesday night when Neha Shaikh, a resident of Kudus village, who was supposed to get married next month, was on her way home from Bhiwandi town after making some purchases for her wedding, a police official said.
While riding pillion on the two-wheeler being driven by her brother, she lost her balance and fell on the road when the vehicle skidded over a pothole near Dugadh junction. A truck passing by crushed her under its wheels, the police official said, adding that the vehicle driver fled after the incident. An offence has been registered against the unidentified truck driver under Indian Penal Code Section 304-A (causing death by negligence), he said.
No arrest has been made so far, he added. Later, several members of the Shramjeevi Sanghatana, an outfit working for tribal welfare, rushed to the Angaontoll booth, near which the mishap took place, and forced it to shut down around midnight.
The organisation's youth wing president Pramod Pawar said the pothole-ridden road claimed several lives this year, and demanded that a case be registered against the company which was given the task of road construction and maintenance, and the Public Works Department (PWD). He said they will not allow the toll booth to function and will keep sitting on their "peaceful agitation" until their demands are met.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)