This Article is From Apr 10, 2010

Power cuts cripple Kolkata

Kolkata : It's only April, yet the mercury has crossed the 40 degree mark in Kolkata and power cuts are making things worse.

Never in the last 10 years, says the Metrological Department, has Kolkata been so hot on this date of April -- 40.6 degrees at 1 pm on Saturday. Point 5 higher than yesterday and likely to get worse before things get better.

Traditionally, around this time of year, West Bengal gets kaalboishakhis, which are thunderstorms along with rains, but there hasn't been a single one so far. Add to this, load-shedding, which is back with a bang. The power department has in fact issued an advertisement in papers today saying coal and water shortages at power plants have triggered a huge shortage. Friday evening's shortfall was a record of 1105 MW across the state.

In the advertisement, the power department has urged citizens not to run air conditioners between 6 and 10 PM and farmers to switch off irrigation pumps at peak time. It also wants advertisers to switch off lights at hoardings and billboards. Every Megawatt saved helps.

April is already proving to be a cruel month. May, June and July may be much worse and leave West Bengal with no option, but to grin and bear the twin tortures of no power and a spiraling Celsius.