This Article is From Aug 27, 2010

Pune cops survive gang attack, robbers flee with revolver

Pune: A policeman and his team of four survived an attack by a gang of robbers near Lonavala even after the only firearm with them, the officer's service revolver, misfired and then got locked during the second attempt to open fire.

The state police force ended up poorer by a revolver in the incident, as the escaping robbers stole the firearm that had fallen to the ground during the scuffle.

The officer, Nitin Thakre, said the police had received a tip-off about the gang planning a highway robbery, and that he had had no time to check his weapon before taking his team to the spot.

"The thieves had planned a dacoity on a truck on the Pune-Mumbai highway. We received information around 11:30 pm on Tuesday night about a gang of eight threatening truck drivers at Shilatane near Maval. We rushed to the spot, but when the gang noticed us, they started pelting stones," said Thakre.

Police Constable B J Kavade, who was part of the police team, said the whole thing was over in five minutes.

"Our officer had a revolver and we four constables had only sticks with us for fighting the gang of eight thieves," said Kavade. "When we reached the spot, it was raining. The thieves, who were hiding behind a truck, suddenly came out into the open to attack us."

The constable added that the robbers had sticks with them and the police team was outnumbered by them.

"Mr  Thakre tried to open fire with his service revolver, but it misfired. When he tried a second time, the revolver got locked," said Kavade. "The thieves noticed the revolver was not working, and started pelting stones on us. They had sticks with them and a scuffle ensued."

No one in the police team was injured in the incident, as the robbers took to their heels as soon as they got a chance.

"During the commotion, the service revolver fell down in a muddy puddle and was picked up by one of the robbers," said Kavade. "They ran away with it."

The suspects ran towards the hills in the dark.

The highway police from Khandala also tried to chase them and even fired at the gang, but failed to get them. Then, late in the night, the Lonavala rural police conducted a search in the area with the help of local villagers, but with no success.