Getting her eyebrows done at a beauty parlour proved fatal for Bhagyashree Shinde in Pune. Her father alleges that the 23-year-old was beaten up and set on fire by her in-laws for daring to go to the parlour.
It took the police nearly a month to file an FIR in the case.
The FIR was registered at the Chinchwad police station against Bhagyashree's husband Sachin, brother-in-law Damodar, mother-in-law Dhondubai and sister-in-law Geeta.
In his complaint, Bhagyashree's father Gurudev Kamle said his daughter was being harassed for dowry since her marriage in August 2006.
On May 19, Bhagyashree was badly beaten up by her in-laws after she went a beauty parlour. She was admitted to the hospital with 65 per cent burns on May 20.
Bhagyashree succumbed to her burn injuries on May 26. Since then for almost a month, the police failed to lodge an FIR against her in-laws.
It took the police nearly a month to file an FIR in the case.
The FIR was registered at the Chinchwad police station against Bhagyashree's husband Sachin, brother-in-law Damodar, mother-in-law Dhondubai and sister-in-law Geeta.
In his complaint, Bhagyashree's father Gurudev Kamle said his daughter was being harassed for dowry since her marriage in August 2006.
On May 19, Bhagyashree was badly beaten up by her in-laws after she went a beauty parlour. She was admitted to the hospital with 65 per cent burns on May 20.
Bhagyashree succumbed to her burn injuries on May 26. Since then for almost a month, the police failed to lodge an FIR against her in-laws.