Rs 70,000 were looted in a robbery from a petrol pump in Pune belonging to Vinita Kamte, wife of 26/11 martyr Ashok Kamte on Wednesday.
Four men arrived at the pump, and at knife point looted the cash.
The pump, located in Pune's Dapodi area, was allotted to Vinita Kamte by the government after her husband died in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
The police are investigating in the case although no arrests have been made by now.
Four men arrived at the pump, and at knife point looted the cash.
The pump, located in Pune's Dapodi area, was allotted to Vinita Kamte by the government after her husband died in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks.
The police are investigating in the case although no arrests have been made by now.
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