In a shocking incident, cash worth Rs. 20 lakh was found missing from an ATM of a private bank at suburban Thoraipakkam in Tamil Nadu on Saturday, police said.
Interestingly, there were no signs of a break-in and police suspect "somebody with technical know-how" could have decamped with the cash.
Special teams have been formed and CCTV footage of the ATM centre was being studied to track the culprits, police said.
In July this year, an ATM with Rs 10 lakh cash was stolen from an unguarded ATM centre in Bangalore.
Interestingly, there were no signs of a break-in and police suspect "somebody with technical know-how" could have decamped with the cash.
Special teams have been formed and CCTV footage of the ATM centre was being studied to track the culprits, police said.
In July this year, an ATM with Rs 10 lakh cash was stolen from an unguarded ATM centre in Bangalore.