Despite several warnings, Samajwadi Party workers continue to defy orders of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav by indulging in acts of hooliganism and violent behaviour. A Block Development Officer (BDO) in Uttar Pradesh's Jhansi district, SK Shrivastava, was shot at by a local Samajwadi Party worker on Sunday evening. Mr Shrivastava sustained injuries in his leg and is being treated at the district hospital. His condition is said to be stable.
Mr Shrivastava says the attack on him was premeditated as the person who shot him, Bharat Singh Yadav, wanted revenge. Mr Shrivastava had got a case registered against Mr Yadav for trying to rig the election of the party's candidate to the legislative council in 2010. Mr Yadav's wife, Kalyani Devi, is the local block head and also belongs to the Samajwadi Party.
However, despite an attempt on an officer's life, a case of attempt to murder is yet to be registered.
For years, Samajwadi Party has been accused as a party which sheltered and promoted hooligans. Akhilesh Yadav had promised voters during his campaign that he would cleanse his party of the "goondas" or hooligans. He had also said that his top priority would be to deliver law and order to a state besieged by crime, but with numerous acts of violence by Samajwadi Party workers being reported, how well Akhilesh will deliver on this front remains to be seen.
Mr Shrivastava says the attack on him was premeditated as the person who shot him, Bharat Singh Yadav, wanted revenge. Mr Shrivastava had got a case registered against Mr Yadav for trying to rig the election of the party's candidate to the legislative council in 2010. Mr Yadav's wife, Kalyani Devi, is the local block head and also belongs to the Samajwadi Party.
However, despite an attempt on an officer's life, a case of attempt to murder is yet to be registered.
For years, Samajwadi Party has been accused as a party which sheltered and promoted hooligans. Akhilesh Yadav had promised voters during his campaign that he would cleanse his party of the "goondas" or hooligans. He had also said that his top priority would be to deliver law and order to a state besieged by crime, but with numerous acts of violence by Samajwadi Party workers being reported, how well Akhilesh will deliver on this front remains to be seen.
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