The lure of winning Rs.100 bet made a labourer eat a dead snake but the decision, taken under the influence of alcohol, landed him in hospital in Gujarat's Surat city, a doctor said on Wednesday.
Zaver, 35, ate the snake Sunday but half way through his meal he developed pain in the stomach. Anticipating the worst, he and his friend with whom he had entered into the bet summoned the emergency 108 ambulance.
Zaver was admitted to the government civil hospital in Surat.
According to civil hospital sources Zaver's condition stabilised over the next two days "Till Tuesday he was kept under observation and his condition was stable," said the resident doctor on duty Wednesday.
In late Tuesday afternoon, the hospital staff found out in their routine check that the Zaver had left the hospital without informing the authorities, said a hospital doctor
Zaver, 35, ate the snake Sunday but half way through his meal he developed pain in the stomach. Anticipating the worst, he and his friend with whom he had entered into the bet summoned the emergency 108 ambulance.
Zaver was admitted to the government civil hospital in Surat.
According to civil hospital sources Zaver's condition stabilised over the next two days "Till Tuesday he was kept under observation and his condition was stable," said the resident doctor on duty Wednesday.
In late Tuesday afternoon, the hospital staff found out in their routine check that the Zaver had left the hospital without informing the authorities, said a hospital doctor
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