This Article is From Nov 17, 2010

Teens held for snatching mangalsutra, courtesy CCTV

Mumbai: Close Circuit TV (CCTV) footage helped the Kurla railway police on Saturday to nab two teenagers who snatched a mangalsutra valued at Rs 40,000 belonging to a fisher woman who was waiting for the CST-bound train at Kurla early on October 26.

"Zuber Kazi, 19 and Dawood Fakir, 19 were arrested when they came to snatch the gold chain of a woman at Kurla station," said senior inspector Dilip Gore and added that they were remanded in police custody till November 16 by the CST railway court.

It was revealed that duo had mortgaged the stolen mangalsutra with an Antop Hill jeweller and taken Rs12,000 to buy drugs.

The incident took place at around 5am on October 26. Shobha Gosavi, 36, resident of Kalina in Santa Cruz (East), was sitting on a bench at platform no. 4 at Kurla. A teenager came and sat beside her while his accomplice was standing behind her. The teenager snatched her mangalsutra and fled. The police collected the CCTV footage of the incident and developed photographs of the accused. They then visited several stations to try and trace the two.

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