This Article is From Apr 23, 2010

Thief stole laptops while techies bathed, arrested


Bangalore: The Bangalore police have arrested a thief who stole laptops, mobile phones and handy cams from techies' homes in HSR Layout while they showered in the morning.

Bhaskar Reddy timed his thefts with the daily routine followed by techies in the area.  He allegedly broke into homes in the neighbourhood early in the morning when the men were in the bathroom and cleaned the flats of all electronic goods.

He reportedly found the going good till a team from HSR Layout police station in plainclothes finally caught up with him on Sunday.

Reddy, a native of Chittur district, came to Bangalore two years ago. He did not stick very long to his first job as a daily worker in cyber cafes and soon took to robbing houses in isolated places in Bangalore.

A few months later, Reddy abandoned robbery for stealing LPG cylinders from hotels and apartments and was soon arrested. "Bhaskar Reddy sold cylinders for half their retail price.

He stole nearly 100 cylinders on the outskirts of Bangalore," confirmed HSR Layout Sub-Inspector Mirza Ali Raza.

Following his arrest, Reddy gave up stealing cylinders and instead took to cleaning techies' houses in HSR Layout of expensive electronic goods.

He would break into the house around 6.30 am when the techies would be in the bathroom getting ready for their long daily commute to Electronic city and ITPL.

"He is a professional. He tried many ways to steal from his victims and often succeeded. We faced many problems zeroing in on him for a very long time.

We changed our strategy and he finally lost. He has been remanded to custody and investigations are on to know more about him," said Raza.