A 40-year-old woman from Gujarat was arrested today for allegedly blackmailing a man from Punjab who she came in contact with on a matrimonial website. She allegedly asked the man to pay Rs 13 lakh if he didn't want a false rape complaint filed against him.
Balwinder Pal, who lives in Ambala Cantt, filed a police complaint after allegedly being harassed by the accused.
"She was threatening to implicate him in false rape case if she was not paid Rs 13 lakh," a police official said.
Mr Pal came in contact of the woman through a matrimonial website, he said in his complaint. She expressed her desire to marry him, while he clarified to her that the divorce with his wife was under process and he could not accept her proposal immediately, he added.
The woman allegedly contacted Mr Pal over the phone and asked him to visit her in Gujarat.
She allegedly demanded money from him through her acquaintance in Chandigarh, the police said.
Mr Pal approached police inspector Rajneesh Yadav who laid a trap for the woman.
The victim agreed to meet the woman in a parking lot of Ambala City on the pretext of giving her a part of the amount she allegedly demanded. When he was giving Rs 1 lakh to her, the police raided and arrested her, the officer said.
Further investigation is underway, the police said.
With inputs from PTI