The Chatuhshrungi police on Friday found the body of an as yet unidentified youth in a quarry filled with water in Pashan area.
The man's legs and neck were tied with a big stone when it was taken out from the quarry.
Police suspect that some people must have murdered the youth, tied him to the stone and thrown him in the quarry. The Chatuhshrungi police said they are yet to ascertain the identity of deceased. He was wearing chocolate coloured shirt and black jeans.
The locals of the area informed the police after they saw the body in the quarry. Deputy Commissioner of police, Dnyaneshwar Chavan, assistant commissioners of police, Vishnu Mane and Prabhakar Patil, and police inspector Mahadeo Chavan visited the spot.
Fire brigade personnel were requisitioned, who fished out the body from the water.
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The man's legs and neck were tied with a big stone when it was taken out from the quarry.
Police suspect that some people must have murdered the youth, tied him to the stone and thrown him in the quarry. The Chatuhshrungi police said they are yet to ascertain the identity of deceased. He was wearing chocolate coloured shirt and black jeans.
The locals of the area informed the police after they saw the body in the quarry. Deputy Commissioner of police, Dnyaneshwar Chavan, assistant commissioners of police, Vishnu Mane and Prabhakar Patil, and police inspector Mahadeo Chavan visited the spot.
Fire brigade personnel were requisitioned, who fished out the body from the water.
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