Delhi Police on Thursday arrested four persons and seized 170 oxygen concentrators and two luxury cars from their possession for their alleged involvement in hoarding and black marketing of oxygen concentrators.
"A complaint was received on Twitter that oxygen concentrators are being sold for Rs 95,000 at Mittal's Store in Shastri Nagar Delhi. Keeping in view the gravity of allegations and sensitivity of matter, an enquiry in this regard was conducted and several teams of North District were directed to conduct discreet enquiry, deploy sources and unearth the whole conspiracy and bust the racket," police said in a statement,
During the technical investigation of the available mobile number, it was revealed that the mobile number is registered on the name of a lady.
Police teams conducted a recce of the said area and deployed sources to bust the whole racket.
The alleged number was changing its location continuously and despite sincere efforts, the owner was avoiding any contact. AATS team kept conducting raids at several places and one Pawan Mittal was apprehended after continuous raids for two days on Wednesday and recovered two oxygen concentrator machines along with two adapters from him.
Accordingly, a case under Epidemic Disease Act has been registered at Sarai Rohilla Police Station, Delhi Police informed.