Delhi Police has apprehended six people, including two minors who were involved in a robbery case of Rs 70 lakh in Naya Bazar of Chandni Chowk in Delhi. The heist took place at the Govind Agency in Naya Bazar in the Lahori Gate area of Chandni Chowk on June 9.
According to complainant Chaggo Mal Pande, 76, who worked as a cash collection staff at Govind Agency, he was robbed at gunpoint of approximately Rs 23 lakh in cash. Additionally, another bag containing uncounted money was also taken, he said.
An eight-member team of Delhi Police carried out searches in Mussoorie, Dehradun, and Delhi and arrested six suspects within 28 hours. Total cash amounting to Rs 30 lakh was also recovered.
Delhi Police said acting on crucial CCTV footage and technical surveillance, the police were able to trace the movements of the suspects and arrested them within 28 hours of the crime being reported.
Three accused identified as Chinar Amariya (23), Paras (20), and Sharad (19) along with a juvenile were apprehended from Mussoorie and Rs 14.3 lakh cash was recovered from them. Shares worth Rs 1.2 lakh and one R1 bike was also seized. Rest of the three accused including Rohit (20) were apprehended from Dehradun along with Rs 9.4 lakh cash and three phones worth Rs 4.5 lakh, which were purchased from looted money.
Two suspects are yet to be apprehended. Delhi Police team said it is conducting continuous raids to apprehend these suspects and recover the rest of the stolen money.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)