Six armed robbers, with their faces masked, barged into a bank in Delhi on Friday afternoon and killed the cashier before escaping with Rs 3 lakh. The shocking incident has been captured on a CCTV camera. The recorded 90 second footage shows the robbers snatching the rifle from the security guard and beating him up. They then shot at the bank cashier and escaped with the looted money.
The incident took place in a Corporation Bank branch in south west Delhi's Chhawla near Dwarka area. The bank robbery is reportedly the first in a decade in the national capital.
Two men were arrested on Saturday and Rs 15,000 was recovered from them, news agency PTI reported. The arrested persons were identified as Sachin (20) and Parvesh (19), both residents of Haryana's Khewra village, the police said. A vehicle and weapon used in the robbery were also recovered from them.
Watch the chilling Delhi bank robbery video here:
#WATCH: CCTV footage of a corporation bank being robbed in Delhi's Khaira yesterday by armed assailants. Cashier was shot dead. Investigation underway.
- ANI (@ANI) October 13, 2018
Police say that robbers held 16 people, including 10 customers and 6 staff members, hostage at gunpoint. They first tried to snatch money from the bank cashier Santosh Kumar but when he resisted, they shot him with two bullets. The 25-year-old cashier was later rushed to a nearby private hospital where he was declared brought dead.
Using the CCTV footage, the Delhi Police said it has been successful in identifying the robbers and they come from Sonipat and Najafgarh. They said they are conducting raids in various parts of the city and Haryana to catch the other accused still on the run.
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