Seven members of a gang, who were allegedly running a fraudulent placement agency in west Delhi's Janakpuri, were arrested for duping over 200 people on the pretext of providing them jobs, police said on Wednesday.
A raid was conducted at the placement agency's office in Janakpuri on Monday and seven people, identified as Shailendra, Himanshu Kohli, Mohd. Shadab Anis, Amit Kumar Karn, Sunita, Swati and Parul, were arrested.
All the seven gang members were examined at the spot during which it emerged that through their online portal, they duped people after promising them jobs in India and abroad, especially Gulf countries, police said.
The seven accused duped over 200 job aspirants across India, they said.
According to two complaints lodged with police, the victims were duped of Rs 52,000 and Rs 40,000, police added.
Police official Urvija Goel said the gang members used to change their office after every three-four months.
The accused collected data of job seekers throughout India from their sources and lured the aspirants with lucrative offers.
They used to ask aspirants to transfer a certain amount into their bank account and after getting the money, the accused blocked their numbers.
All the seven accused have been arrested in connection with the case, she added.
Data of more than 100 aspirants have been found in the documents/laptop seized from their possession, police said.