This Article is From Jan 02, 2014

Aam aadmi is against corruption, says Arvind Kejriwal before winning trust vote

New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of Delhi, today won a trust vote in the Delhi Assembly that he has the numbers to continue to govern Delhi.

Following are the highlights of his address to the Delhi Assembly before the trust vote:

  • Committed to uncovering and punishing corruption
  • Middle class is aam aadmi, street food vendor is aam admi, anyone who wants to banish corruption is aam aadmi
  • Anyone who wants to promote corruption whether he is rich or poor is khaas aadmi
  • We had never imagined we would start a party
  • We must reflect on why we were driven to do this, to fight elections
  • We are not here today to save this government
  • We have to accept this country's politics is entrenched in graft
  • Water, electricity, roads are poor because of these politics
  • Two years ago, the aam Indian said let's clean up the system. Politicians responded by taunting them - let's see if you can contest elections, run for elections without huge funds
  • This was a big mistake for traditional parties
  • On December 4, there was a miracle. The aam aadmi won
  • I did not believe in God but I now do. I believe that truth can never lose
  • The question before this house is which of its members is standing with the common man in this fight against corruption
  • This VIP culture should end. The second issue is of the Jan Lokpal Bill. The existing Lokayukta law in Delhi is very weak. We want a strong anti-graft law
  • The officers should be enabled to deliver within a stipulated time and if they don't then there should be a penalty under this new law
  • In Delhi, people can't get ration cards made...
  • The government doesn't do what the people want... we want the people to decide where public funds should be used in their area
  • This is called Swaraaj - the people's rule - and this is what we want to do in Delhi
  • Delhi should get the status of a full state - all parties have been demanding that
  • We want power companies should be audited - and also want to give people water at discounted rates
  • We have to find a solution to how we can improve the lives of those living in slum-clusters and unauthorised colonies
  • We also want to stop the exploitation of those working on contract
  • We need to improve the lot of traders in Delhi - we are opposed to FDI in retail and so is the BJP and I see no divergence there
  • We need to improve the living standards of Delhi's villages and its farmers - they get no subsidy...
  • Donations in private schools should be stopped and the standards of government schools must be improved
  • We want to provide the best treatment in government hospitals
  • For women's safety, we want to form mahila suraksha dals
