Amid the raging #MeToo movement, the Delhi Commission for Women has launched a separate email address report cases where cases of sexual harassment have can be reported. The email address is A helpline number, 181, has also been launched .
The women's panel has also appealed to women to report sexual crimes to the police and women commissions. "This reporting will pave the path for putting these sexual predators behind bars, something that should have been done long ago," it added.
India's #MeToo movement, which started with Tanushree Dutta's allegations against actor Nana Patekar has escalated sharply with increasing numbers of women coming forward with their stories.
Giving the example of Union minister M J Akbar against whom several women have come out, the DCW claimed, "He never had to pay for his actions and all the women and girls he preyed upon still await justice".
"While exposing these sexual predators is definitely an important first step, the commission believes that these men should be put behind bars and prosecuted for the horrific crimes they have committed," it said in the statement.
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