Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has instructed each of his party's 67 lawmakers to set up offices in their constituencies and meet people every day between 9 and 11 am to discuss their problems.
Mr Kejriwal, who represents the New Delhi constituency, too will set up such an office, party sources said.
Every day, Mr Kejriwal, who has decided not to hold any portfolios directly in the Delhi government, will be briefed by four MLAs on the feedback they have gathered from their constituencies.
Mr Kejriwal reportedly plans a powerful Chief Minister's Office as the nerve-centre of the new state government; his team will include experts from various sectors and parliamentary secretaries to advise the government and help implement AAP's 70-point action plan for Delhi.
Delhi's new legislators took oath today at a special session of the Assembly. Mr Kejriwal, 46, was the first to take oath followed by Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and other Ministers.
The House also elected AAP MLA Ram Niwas Goel as the Speaker today.
AAP has won 67 of Delhi's 70 seats in Assembly elections held earlier this month. This means that there is virtually no opposition in the House - the BJP has three members.
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