The BJP launched its ''Kejriwal Bhagao, Delhi Bachao'' campaign from Sarojini Nagar Market on Wednesday in Delhi, with Union ministers Vijay Goel and Giriraj Singh accusing the ruling AAP of "failing" to fulfil its promises made to people of the national capital before coming to power.
The ministers flagged off a specially designed ''rath'' that will tour the city "exposing the failures" of the Delhi government under Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, and highlighting the achievements of the Narendra Modi government at the Centre.
"The Kejriwal government has completed four years in Delhi but its promises are yet to be fulfilled. People are saying remove Kejriwal and save Delhi," Mr Goel said.
He said the "rath" will "expose the failures of the AAP government in Delhi.
"A similar ''rath'' will also tour the city to reveal with proof how it (AAP) has not bee able to meet the promises made before coming to power in Delhi."
Mr Goel, a former president of the BJP's Delhi unit, had earlier campaigned against the Kejriwal government in his ''dhol andolan'' by visiting slums in the city.
Mr Singh also condemned the AAP government for "not implementing" welfare schemes for people in Delhi.
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