The Delhi Police on Wednesday arrested a self-styled godman, Daati Maharaj, in connection with a religious ceremony organised at a South Delhi temple in violation of the lockdown norms, officials said.
He was arrested under relevant sections of the law and later granted bail, they said.
On Saturday, some photographs of a ceremony at Shanidham Mandir, Asola, were circulated on social media wherein the social-distancing norms were not being followed, and a religious congregation was organised in contravention of the lockdown guidelines, police said.
Later, a case was registered against Daati Maharaj and some other people at the Maidan Garhi police station, they added.
During inquiry, it came to light that the chief priest of Shanidham Mandir, Daati Maharaj, along with some other persons, had performed a ceremony at the temple on Friday around 7.30 pm, they said.
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