A young man in Delhi had a dramatic entry at the venue of his wedding on Monday, amid the lockdown against coronavirus. After the car in which he was travelling caught fire in the middle of the road, the groom was dropped to the wedding venue in a Delhi Police vehicle, by the cops themselves.
Bhupendra, the groom, was travelling in an i20 hatchback in southeast Delhi's Sarita Vihar area on Monday afternoon, when the car suddenly caught fire. Two policemen who were on lockdown duty at a police picket on the wide road spotted the flames and stopped the car immediately. They made sure the groom and another man travelling with him got out of the car safely.
In minutes, the car went up in flames in the middle of the empty, wide road.
Pictures showed the anxious groom in his wedding attire - a sherwani - and wearing a mask, holding a basket of fruits and speaking to someone on phone after the accident.
On getting to know that Bhupendra was on his way to Delhi's Okhla area, not far from where the car caught fire, to get married, the policemen decided to drop him to the venue in their vehicle.
The wedding eventually did take place as planned.
@DCPSEastDelhi @DelhiPolice @ndtvindia
— Mukesh singh sengar (@mukeshmukeshs) April 27, 2020
#coronavirusinindia #CoronaWarriorsIndia pic.twitter.com/69ye7cdSff
With trains and flights suspended, the nationwide lockdown has affected the wedding plans of hundreds of people across the country. The government has also put restrictions on the number of people who can attend weddings and funerals to ensure there is no crowding and that social distancing is maintained.