Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today said no certificate will be required from the people if they move during the lockdown, which he announced for Delhi between March 23 and 31 to stop spread of coronavirus.
"No certificate will be required to move across the city. Gathering of five or more people will be barred. All the private establishment will be shut, while the employees should be paid," Mr Kejriwal said at a press conference along with Lt Governor Anil Baijal.
During the lockdown in Delhi, no document or proof will be sought from a person if they say that they are out on streets to provide or avail any essential service: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
— ANI (@ANI) March 22, 2020
On the hoarding of masks and sanitisers, he said it is not just against the law but humanity.
"We did 327 raids and 437 cases have been filed so far. We will be continuing raiding for hoarding," he said.
Mr Kejriwal said taking preventive steps at this stage will be helpful.
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