A businessman was allegedly robbed of Rs 1.4 crore at gunpoint by men on motorbikes after stopping his car in outer Delhi's Rani Bagh area, police said on Friday.
The incident took place on Friday evening when Vinod, a resident of Rani Bagh, was returning home when his car was stopped by the men, they said.
The men, wearing helmets, forced him to get out of his car by pointing a pistol at him. Then they robbed him of Rs 1.4 crore.
One among the men took his car while others fled on their motorcycles, the police said.
The men drove away the car containing the money, but abandoned it some distance away over a kilometre from the crime spot, the police said.
Police have found the car but the bag containing the cash was missing. Police are looking for fingerprints that may help them to arrest the accused.