Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today made another big announcement while giving his rationale behind hiking the minimum wages by 50 per cent, announced on Independence Day. He said no new liquor shops will be opened in Delhi this year and the location of existing ones will be reconsidered.
Here are the highlights of his presser:
Here are the highlights of his presser:
- This initiative was necessary for the people on lower rungs of society. They were not getting the dues they deserve.
- Finally there's a government who want the money to go directly in people's pocket.
- We will also request the Centre and Prime Minister Modi that this should be applied in the country.
- The other important decision taken today is that no new liquor shops will be opened in the national capital this year.
- And if the residents have a problem with existing liquor shops in the vicinity, a local committee or mohalla sabha will be formed and a decision will be taken if the shops need to be moved.
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