The Delhi Police has registered a case against a couple for not following anti-Covid rules and violating the weekend lockdown. A viral mobile clip shows the woman and her husband misbehaving with police personnel as they were stopped for not wearing masks inside their car. They were also not carrying the mandatory curfew pass. "I will kiss my husband. Can you stop me?" the woman was seen telling a policeman in the video.
The incident took place in Delhi's Dariyaganj area at around 4 pm on Sunday.
"Why did you stop my car? I was inside my car with my wife," the man told the policemen when he was reprimanded for not wearing a mask.
कोरोना के इस दौर में ऐसे जाहिल लोग भी याद किये जाएंगे ,कार में बैठा एक कपल बिना कर्फ्यू पास के दरियागंज इलाके में घूम रहा था वो भी बिना मास्क के,पुलिस ने जब रोका तो बोला अपने दोस्त को किस करूंगी,पुलिस ने केस दर्ज कर दोनों को गिरफ्तार किया
— Mukesh singh sengar मुकेश सिंह सेंगर (@mukeshmukeshs) April 18, 2021
The couple continued their arguments aggressively even after a policeman told them about a recent High Court ruling that even one person inside a car must wear a mask.
They also dared the police to take action against them.
Later, a policewoman was called on the scene who took the woman to the nearest police station.
The man, Pankaj Dutta has been arrested and will be produced before the court today morning. The woman, Abha Gupta, will also be arrested soon, a police official said.
Delhi has been reporting its highest Covid numbers for the last few days. On Sunday, the national capital reported over 25,000 cases.
Last week, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had announced the weekend lockdown to break the chain of transmission.
On Saturday and Sunday, the Delhi Police registered 569 FIRs and 2,369 challans for Covid-rule violations during the lockdown. 323 people were also arrested during the same period.
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