At Delhi's Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital, a frantic search is on to look for friends and family members who were trapped inside the Anaj Mandi factory which caught fire this morning. Among them is young Wasim who had plans to play cricket with his buddies from the the luggage manufacturing factory before he heard about the shocking news.
"I play cricket with my friends every Sunday, but when I got to know that my friends are injured and admitted in the hospital, I came to see them; but I am not being allowed entry inside," Wasim told NDTV.
He said that his three friends, aged 15, 18 and 22, sleep inside the factory.
Another man who lives 200 metre away from the factory said he has come to look for the bodies of his friends which have gone missing after the fire incident.
Forty-three people have been reported to be killed after the fire broke out at the factory at 5 am today. Doctors at the hospital confirmed smoke inhalation as the primary cause of the death, reported news agency PTI.
At least 30 fire engines were at the spot to douse the fire. According to Delhi Fire Service, the building did not have fire clearance from Delhi Fire Service and no fire safety equipment was found installed in the building.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and the BJP in Delhi Manoj Tiwari announced compensation for the family members of those who died and were injured in Delhi fire tragedy.
The fire incident is the worst fire tragedy seen by the city since a similar incident in Bawana last year in which 17 labourers were charred to death.
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