Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today applauded the healthcare workers of Delhi's Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital, which has successfully treated a chunk of Covid patients in the country. Around 8,000 patients have been discharged from the hospital after recovering from the infection - the highest from any state-owned hospital.
The hospital was declared a dedicated COVID-19 facility on March 17 and since, 11,415 patients were admitted. As many as 331 women who tested positive for coronavirus have given birth in the hospital - the highest in the country.
"Proud of our Doctors, nurses and the entire staff of LNJP hospital. They risked their own lives to serve people," Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted.
Proud of our Doctors, nurses and the entire staff of LNJP hospital. They risked their own lives to serve people.
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) October 4, 2020
So far, 420 children who tested positive for Covid-19 recovered at the hospital. Around 10 per cent of them were severe cases, doctors said.
Fifty-nine COVID-19 patients have undergone successful surgeries in the hospital, related to orthopaedic problems, gallbladder stone, piles, liver and lung abscess at the hospital.
Today, the national capital's COVID-19 caseload rose to 2.9 lakh with 2,683 new cases of the infection over the last 24 hours.
Data from health ministry showed 38 people have also died in this period, taking the total to 5,510.
This was the third consecutive day on which the city reported less than 3,000 new cases. Authorities reported 2,258 new cases on Saturday and 2,920 on Friday.
Of the total cases reported in Delhi so far, 2,60,350 have either recovered, been discharged or migrated. On Saturday, 50,832 tests were conducted of which 8,963 were RTPCR, CBNAAT and TrueNat tests and 41,869 rapid antigen tests.
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